2024.12.16, Kaunas

We announce the laureates of the

International Vytautas Bacevičius Competition for Composers!

1st prize – Borjigin ·T· Ayas (Isiah). „Ignite Flame”

2nd prize – Zekun Ji (Jeremiah). „Lament”

3rd prize – Lin Sen (Irrlicht). „Youniverse”

4th prize – Skylar Lim (Norisca). „Figure oscure”

Congratulations to you all and wish you all the best in your musical yourney! 🎶🎹🏆


Chair Žibuoklė Martinaitytė (Lithuania/USA), members Sławomir Kaczorowski (Poland), Yusuke Ishii (Japan), Rolands Kronlaks (Latvia)

Project Manager dr. Darius Kučinskas

The International Vytautas Bacevičius Competition for Pianists and Composers is now over and we are happy to inform that the jury, consisting of the chairwoman Žibuoklė Martinaitytė (Lithuania/USA) and members Sławomir Kaczorowski (Poland), Yusuke Ishii (Japan) and Rolands Kronlaks (Latvia), have already selected the laureates. Since the project deadline is December 20th, we have expedited the review and announcement time of the results.

Project manager Dr. Darius Kučinskas expressed his joy that the competition, dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of the composer and pianist Vytautas Bacevičius, to be celebrated in 2025, has attracted the attention of many composers from around the world. Fifty participants of various ages, residing in Europe, North and South America, Asia, Australia and representing 32 countries, sent in their compositions for piano. The compositions are diverse, including solo works and piano cycles inspired by various ideas—ranging from those with laconic titles reflecting pure musical technique to genre-based, ecological ones, as well as works related to old music genres, romantic, humorous, cosmic, polyphonic and more.

The announcement and greeting of the laureates will take place tomorrow, December 16, at 6:00 PM Lithuanian time. Stay tuned for updates on our website, Facebook and YouTube channel.

The International Vytautas Bacevičius Competition for Pianists and Composers organizers


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(Lietuviškas tekstas žemiau)

In 2025, we will celebrate the 120th anniversary of the birth of Vytautas Bacevičius (1905-1970), one of the first Lithuanian avant-garde composers, the author of the first Lithuanian piano concerto and one of the first Lithuanian ballets. To celebrate Bacevičius’ legacy and promote new piano music the non-profit organization „Akantas” is organizing The International Vytautas Bacevičius Competition for Composers. Only new, original compositions for piano, composed in 2024, never performed or published, are eligible for the competition. The composition can be of any style or form, from 8 to 15 minutes long, – a piece or a set of pieces, a cycle of variations, a sonata (one or more parts), a fantasy, a virtuoso transcription, an étude or a set of études, etc. The composition cannot use fixed sound media (electronics) and/or a prepared piano. The composition must provide pianists with an opportunity to demonstrate their artistic and technical abilities. The awarded compositions will be included in the program of the International Vytautas Bacevičius Piano Competition 2025.

There is no age limit for participants. Registration fee is 30 euros. Participants send a completed registration form, a copy of the registration fee, and the composition to the competition organizers by October 28, 2024, via e-mail

Prizes for the winners:

1st place – 1500 EUR

2nd place – 1000 EUR

3rd place – 750 EUR

4th place – 400 EUR

The international competition jury: Žibuoklė Martinaitytė (Chair, USA/Lithuania), Sławomir Kaczorowski (Poland), Yusuke Ishii (Japan), Rolands Kronlaks (Latvia).

Supported by Lithuanian Council for Culture.


Participiant’s Registration Form

2025-siais metais minėsime vieno pirmųjų lietuvių muzikos avangardistų, pirmojo lietuviško fortepijoninio koncerto ir vieno pirmųjų lietuviškų baletų autoriaus, kompozitoriaus ir pianisto Vytauto Bacevičiaus (1905-1970) 120-ąsias gimimo metines. Ta proga VšĮ „Akantas“ organizuoja Tarptautinį Vytauto Bacevičiaus vardo kūrinių fortepijonui konkursą kompozitoriams.  Konkurso dalyvių amžius neribojamas. Konkursui teikiami tik nauji, originalūs, sukurti 2024 metais, niekur neatlikti ir nepublikuoti kūriniai fortepijonui. Kūrinys gali būti bet kokio stiliaus ir formos – pjesė ar pjesių rinkinys, variacijų ciklas, sonata (vienos ar daugiau dalių), fantazija, virtuoziška transkripcija, etiudas ar etiudų rinkinys, etc. Kūrinio trukmė yra nuo 8 iki 15 minučių. Kūrinyje negali būti naudojamos fiksuotos garso laikmenos (elektronika) ir/ar paruoštas fortepijonas. Kūrinys turi suteikti pianistams galimybę pademonstruoti savo meninius ir techninius gebėjimus. Premijuoti kūriniai bus įtraukti į 2025 m. numatyto surengti Tarptautinio Vytauto Bacevičiaus vardo pianistų konkurso programą.

Dalyvio registracijos mokestis – 30 eur. Užpildytą registracijos anketą kartu su registracijos mokesčio kopija ir kūriniu dalyviai atsiunčia konkurso organizatoriams elektroniniu paštu  iki 2024 spalio 28 d.

Premijos laureatams:

I vieta – 1500 EUR

II vieta – 1000 EUR

III vieta – 750 EUR

IV vieta – 400 EUR

Konkurso vertinimo komisija: Žibuoklė Martinaitytė (pirmininkė, JAV/Lietuva), Sławomir Kaczorowski (Lenkija), Yusuke Ishii (Japonija), Rolands Kronlaks (Latvija).

Konkursą dalinai finansuoja Lietuvos kultūros taryba.


Dalyvio anketa